irish mercantile marine during world war ii造句
- Over 20 % of Irish seamen, on clearly marked neutral vessels, lost their lives, in the Irish Mercantile Marine during World War II.
- The "'Irish Mercantile Marine during World War II "'continued essential overseas trade in the conflict, a period referred to as "'The Long Watch "'by Irish mariners.
- *Irish Mercantile Marine during World War II I have requested a peer review at Wikipedia : WikiProject Military history / Peer review / Irish Mercantile Marine during World War II I want to advance this'umbrella'article as far as it can go, to lay the ground for other Irish ship articles.
- *Irish Mercantile Marine during World War II I have requested a peer review at Wikipedia : WikiProject Military history / Peer review / Irish Mercantile Marine during World War II I want to advance this'umbrella'article as far as it can go, to lay the ground for other Irish ship articles.
- It's difficult to see irish mercantile marine during world war ii in a sentence. 用irish mercantile marine during world war ii造句挺难的
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